Monday, May 17, 2010

World of Warcraft 3.3.5 PTR

The new Test Realm is up.

Ruby Sanctum, the other, currently unavailable Raid under Wyrmrest Temple, is open for testing.Oddly enough, this is not the most exciting thing to me right now in the current PTR.

Taken from

  • Chat Frame

    • Players can now right-click on any chat type (Whisper, Trade, General, Party, Raid, etc.) and choose the Pop Out Chat option. This will move that chat type to a separate tab in the Chat frame which can be undocked and moved anywhere on the screen.

      • Using the Pop Out Chat option on a Whisper will place the conversation with that player in a separate tab.
      • Any time a conversation with another player is put into its own tab, the tab will glow when a new message is received.
    • Hovering over the Chat Frame and using the mouse wheel will allow players to scroll through chat text.
    • Players can select Classic Mode under Interface Options to keep the Chat Frame functionality closer to what it was prior to patch 3.3.5.
    • The Simple Chat User Interface option has been removed.
  • Friends List

    • A new icon has been added to the top left of the Chat Frame which will open up the Friends list.
    • In addition to its current functionality, the Friends List will now allow players to add accounts (Real ID). Players will have to confirm that they are friends in order for a Real ID to be added. Once Real ID friends, players can communicate cross-game, cross-faction and cross-realm.
    • A new Pending tab has been added where players can accept or decline a Real ID friend request, or select the Report Spam or Block Communications buttons.
    • Players can now select from three statuses which will be visible to their friends: Available, Away and Busy.
    • A Broadcast window has been added to the top of the frame. Players can use this to broadcast a message to all of their Real ID friends online. This message will also be displayed under the broadcaster’s Real ID information in each friend’s list.

    This, to me, is very exciting! It means I no longer have to type in 30 friends' names whenever I start a new character. If I have their "Real ID", they're all synced. And, if I read this right, I will be able to chat, from World of Warcraft, with guildies and friends that are playing Starcraft II when it hits!  "Once Real ID friends, players can communicate cross-game, cross-faction and cross-realm." 
    I also have friends scattered across several servers in WoW right now, including the people that started me playing over 3 years ago. They are still on a PvP server, while I have since switched to a PvE server (Archimonde to be precise) to have a more laid-back experience in the game.

    I will be testing this out and letting you guys know as I find out new things and I can't wait for patch 3.3.9 to come! This will be the patch where we fight for Gnomeregan for the Gnomes and Echo Isles for the Trolls to link the stories between Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm! These will be interesting times indeed!

    Go Home!


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